Charities win as consulting firm shakes up the model
By Jared Lynch The Australian Charities win as consulting firm shakes up the model
Read MoreMas Transition
In 2021, Right Lane was engaged to develop a research report to evaluate the RIDE program, assessing whether the program achieved its objectives, and the extent to which its theory of change and program logic were validated.
Read MoreWomen’s Financial Security Forum 2019 – Secure affordable housing for all women
In September 2019, Right Lane hosted its second Women’s Financial Security Forum focusing on the issue of secure and affordable housing for ALL women. The forum brought together people interested in making a meaningful change in this space.
Read MoreWomen’s financial security: five levers of change
In this article we present a framework for assessing the disadvantages women face and outline five levers of change for addressing these issues. These ideas were developed in preparation for and during Right Lane’s inaugural 2018 Women’s Financial Security Forum.
Read MoreEnhancing effectiveness through improved vertical and horizontal team alignment
An organisation’s effectiveness is fundamentally dependent upon the alignment within and between the teams on the frontline. We outline five practical steps you can take to improve vertical and horizontal team alignment.
Read MoreBenefits realisation: from hodgepodge to hierarchy
At Right Lane, we’ve observed recurring challenges in the way organisations approach benefits realisation. We suggest that organisations adopt a benefits realisation hierarchy, at the top sits the ultimate impact sought by the organisation. Below that is a causal logic demonstrating how the benefits are interrelated. This forms the organisation’s house view on how value is created, and allows for management to contain, sharpen and link benefits.
Read MoreStrategy and business models: indistinguishable or distinct and complementary?
What does the term ‘business model’ actually mean, and is it distinct from a corporate strategy? At Right Lane we believe that the two concepts are complementary descriptions of an organisation’s approach to winning in the market. Each represents a different cognitive approach, and both are essential for leaders to contemplate when charting the course for their organisation.
Read MoreTen ideas to breathe life into your strategy
At Right Lane we believe that ‘best practice’ is an evolving concept and that continually seeking new ideas to improve your strategic planning process will help you breathe life into your next strategy. We draw on our experience and learnings from hundreds of recent engagements, to present 10 ideas for your organisation’s next annual strategy development process. These ideas will help bring premeditation, anticipation and purposeful design to your next strategy and planning process.
Read MoreBuild and maintain the momentum of strategy execution with quarterly ‘best next steps’
Too often we see strategies with a long list of actions. The fear for potentially taking the wrong action grips, overtaking the fear of taking no action at all. To overcome this ‘paralysis by analysis’, we urge organisations to develop and embed internal processes to help define their next act.
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