

MEDIA RELEASE: Right Lane becomes first Australian management consulting firm to become foundation owned and controlled and appoints new CEO

Melbourne-based management consulting firm Right Lane Consulting has appointed Chiara Lawry as its new CEO, while at the same time becoming the first privately owned Australian management consulting firm, and possibly the first for-profit company in Australia, to restructure into a foundation owned and controlled company.

Prioritisation: Why do we find it hard to prioritise?

1 July 2014

Three ways to make prioritisation in your organisation easier plus insights and free tools to help make prioritisation easier.

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How do leaders maintain their passion to lead?

1 July 2014

Dr Marc Levy and Giselle Diego – June 2014
We regularly find ourselves in candid conversation with leaders about what’s on their minds. A common theme that emerges is: how do leaders maintain their passion to lead? We resolved to find some answers. As long-term leaders, how can we ‘reflect, refresh and reset’?

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Ten strategic questions you need to ask

19 June 2014

June 2014
We have built strategic questions into the strategy and planning projects we run with clients for nearly two decades. Here are Right Lane’s ‘top 10 list’ of strategic questions.

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Six ideas for a fast start in the new financial year

12 June 2014

Brad McSwain – June 2014
The first quarter of the new financial year can be a slow start as we all take a collective breath and reflect on the past year’s performance. Right Lane shares six ideas that can help your organisation get off to a fast start in the new financial year.

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Case study: from charity to collective impact

1 June 2014

Giselle Diego and Stephanie Exton – June 2014
Collective impact is a framework used by philanthropic foundations to address social problems. Right Lane worked with George Hicks Foundation to develop their new strategy to enable them to have the kind of impact it always set out to have.

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Organisational agility – how to knock down structures that are limiting your organisation’s effectiveness.

1 April 2014

Matt Hardy and Dr Marc Levy – 2014
Agile organisations dramatically outperform inflexible ones. This Right Lane white paper explains how your organisation can increase its strategic freedom, capacity and focus, and provides 10 practical tips that can help improve your organisational agility.

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Seeing is believing: visual metrics displays

1 December 2013

Lauren Spiteri – December 2013
How do you display how the organisation is performing against its strategic objectives? A visual metrics display (VMD) is a visible, visual representation of the progress you are making on your strategic objectives and your priorities, along with key how/who resolutions.

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Intensive business planning: A case study

1 December 2013

Julia Bentley – December 2013
Case study: A focused and disciplined approach to business planning, undertaken in an intensive week of activity, allowed the MD to initiate necessary organisational changes quickly and to build momentum for performance improvement.

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Cascading strategy to align your organisation

1 December 2013

Brad McSwain – December 2013
The best-laid strategies can be brought undone by a failure to execute. We suggest 5 ways to a smooth cascading of strategic objectives throughout the organisation, giving strategy the greatest prospect of success.

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The end is the beginning: An approach to strategy development

1 December 2013

Stuart Wilkinson – December 2013
The best, and most sustainable, strategies are widely supported, which means appropriately involving not only the executive and staff in developing strategy, but also the board. In this article Right Lane identifies three basic foundations for getting started with strategy.

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